Young people who use marijuana and are looking for a new way to get high may be increasingly turning to "dabbing," Some substance users are drawn to whatever the newest trend may be. But besides the novelty, the appeal of dabbing is that it's considered a stronger, faster high. At a minimum, dabs are four times as strong as a joint, and the high is administered all at once,
What is “dabbing”?
Dabbing is inhaling the vapours from a concentrated form of marijuana made by an extraction method that uses butane gas. Dabs, also known as butane hash oil (BHO) — which are sometimes called "budder," "honeycomb" or "earwax" — are more potent than conventional forms of marijuana because they have much higher concentrations of the psychoactive chemical tetrahydrocannabinol or THC than is found in regular cannabis.
How “dabbing” works
A dab refers to a single portion of concentrated cannabis, and dabbing is the act of using dabs through vaporization. Dabbing has generally used extracted tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) resin but has increasingly been including other components such as cannabidiol (CBD) and terpenes. The resin can come in different forms, including:
Although there are very limited studies, it is suggested that dabbing can be more dangerous than other forms of cannabis use because it can lead to a higher tolerance for the drug and worse withdrawal symptoms, suggesting a possibility of addiction or dependence.
Although dabbing has become popular only recently, and research on the practice is limited, it would be a mistake for parents and kids to assume dabbing is not more worrisome or worse than smoking cannabis.