In the U.S., the public health prevention model has more than 100 years of study, data and positive outcomes of widespread improvements to the health of Americans. Brain science shows that the use of addictive substances hijacks the executive functioning of the brain, while excessive and continual use can rewire the developing brains of teenagers. In other words, occasional binge drinking causes irresponsible behaviour while continual binging can, and often does, lead to bigger problems. By promoting a conservative prevention/intervention mindset, which includes addressing substance use that is only starting, Gobi hopes to reach teenagers and families at the earliest stages of developmental distress that addiction causes produced by addiction.
But will teens 12-18 years old really engage online as the Gobi model envisions? We are recording an amazing 65% engagement return rate and most impressive to us is the fact that a great deal of honesty comes through in the responses—and that’s key.
We are encouraged by the response to the testing of the Gobi tool set. Our research shows there is ample evidence that young brains really are at risk. So yes, we’re out to save brains—and kids and families with them. That’s what Gobi’s about.